How Important Is the Reputation of Your Buyer?
The most crucial factor people consider when doing business with you on eBay is your reputation as a buyer, sometimes known as your “feedback rating.” They will choose whether or not they can trust you based on this tiny number.
People can leave feedback for you, and you can leave feedback for them each time you buy or sell something on eBay. Along with a comment, this feedback may be either good, negative, or neutral. The amount of positive feedback comments individuals have left for you less the number of negative feedback comments is how your feedback rating is calculated. For example, a person with a feedback rating of 28 might have 30 positive and 2 negative reviews.
Positive feedback should automatically appear next to your username if you are a caring buyer and don’t need to do anything. There are several things you can do, though, if you wish to facilitate it.

Always leave feedback for others. If you do, people will feel obligated to do the same for you (eBay will send you an email after each transaction to offer you the opportunity). Write a good review about vendors who behave appropriately, and odds are good that they’ll do the same for you.
Pay as soon as the auction concludes: Sellers appreciate nothing more than to get paid quickly; doing so relieves them of a great deal of stress, especially if you use a credit card or another electronic payment option. If you make your payment as soon as the auction concludes, you’ll frequently discover that your good feedback starts to show up a few minutes later.

Avoid being a demanding customer: Recognize that it can take your seller one or more days to react to you and/or send your item; nagging them is rude and needless, and it won’t earn you positive comments.
Develop relationships by purchasing from a seller a couple more times if they frequently sell an item you like. Finding a devoted client will make them very happy, and they will go out of their way to provide glowing reviews like “a delight to deal with as always.” They might also present you with a few exclusive offers!
Simply because the buyer bears the most of the risk in a deal, sellers won’t typically be unwilling to sell to buyers without much of a reputation. Being a good buyer is especially important if you ever want to start selling because both transactions in which you are the seller and the buyer contribute towards your overall feedback score.

People on eBay give sellers’ ratings significantly more consideration than they do buyers’ ratings because most sellers don’t bother to look at their buyers’ feedback, whereas negative feedback on a seller can (and should) be a deal-breaker. Therefore, when making a purchase, you should be more concerned with the seller’s reputation than your own. For this reason, the focus of the following email will be on the feedback ratings of sellers.