How To Make A Checklist for Sellers on eBay
Here is How To Make A Checklist for Sellers on eBay, let’s start!
Being a seller entails a lot of duty, and occasionally you could feel as like you’re not carrying out all of your duties. Utilize this quick checklist to stay organized.
Have you done all you can to learn about your products? Try using a search engine to enter their names; you might learn anything. Always strive to offer more information about a product than the person selling it if you are selling the same thing they are.

Do you keep an eye on the opposition? Always keep a watch on what pricing other things that are identical to or similar to yours are being offered at, as well as how much they are selling for. When someone else is selling the same item for $90, there is typically little purpose in initiating a fixed price auction for $100.
Do you have images of the items? Photographing your goods is worthwhile, especially if you have a digital camera. If you decide to take eBay seriously but don’t already own a camera, you should consider getting one eventually.

Do you send your sellers emails? When a transaction completes, it’s important writing a quick email to say “Thank you for buying my item, please let me know when you have paid the payment.” Thank you for your money; I have posted your [item name] today, comes next. How many issues you may avoid just by communicating in this manner will amaze you.
Are you also reviewing your emails? Always keep in mind that potential customers can email you at any moment with questions, and if you don’t respond to them, they’ll find someone else to buy from.

Do your product pages include all the information that customers require? Make a list of the costs for shipping to various countries and publish it on each auction if you intend to provide worldwide delivery. Make sure these are displayed as well if you have any unique terms and conditions (for instance, if you will return any item as long as it hasn’t been opened).
Have you been correctly wrapping your items? Use correctly sized envelopes or packages, wrap the item in bubble wrap to prevent damage, and print labels rather than hand-write addresses if you want to make the best impression. Oh, and always send things first class; don’t cut corners.
Are you persistent? A few days after publishing an item, it would be wise to send out an email saying “Are you satisfied with your purchase overall? I hope it arrived and was all you wanted it to be.” Although it may seem like you’re giving the customer a chance to complain, your goal should be to assist them rather than grab their money and run.
Providing genuinely good and honest customer service is more important than everything else in being a really good eBay seller. The only foolproof method to safeguard your reputation is to do that. Of course, you may be thinking at this point if the trouble of building a solid reputation on eBay is really worth it. If it actually comes down to it, won’t people still buy from you and couldn’t you just establish a new account? Our subsequent email will enlighten you.